JAIME GARCELA BORONAT as owner of https://bestholidayapartmentscalpe.com/ has committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of September 7, on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices of the public sector.

This accessibility statement applies to the website https://bestholidayapartmentscalpe.com/:

Compliance status
This website complies with RD 1112/2018 due to the aspects stated below:

Content not accessible
Not applicable

Lack of conformity with RD 1112/2018
Not applicable

Not applicable.

The content does not fall within the scope of the applicable
There may be office files in PDF or other formats published before April 3, 2023 that do not fully meet all accessibility requirements. Although to date they are fulfilled in full.

This statement was prepared on April 03, 2023.

The method used to prepare the statement was a self-assessment carried out by webmaster Cristian Caballero Santos.

Comments and contact
You can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a of RD 1112/2018) such as:

Report any possible non-compliance by this website
Convey other difficulties of access to content
Make any other query or suggestion for improvement regarding the accessibility of the website
through the contact form on this website or through the telephone number (+34) 658 111 832.

You can submit:

Complaint regarding compliance with the requirements of RD 1112/2018 or
Request for accessible information regarding:
Content that is excluded from the scope of application of RD 1112/2018 as established by article 3, paragraph 4
Content that is exempt from accessibility requirements because it imposes a disproportionate burden
In the Request for accessible information, the facts, reasons and request that allow to verify that it is a reasonable and legitimate request must be clearly specified.

Complaints and claims about accessible information will be made through the web (https://bestholidayapartmentscalpe.com/contacta), and will be received and treated by the Information Systems area of best holiday


All pages are with their identifying title, it also describes the page, it is brief and unique.

All headings follow an order, mark the structure of the document
They are well defined

All images have alt text
All texts are functional and written according to the context

Colors with contrasts of 10.49.1 in brown on white and 13:34:1 in black on white have been used.

brown: #5C3700

Black: #302F2F

White: #fff


All text increases
Does not go away
Does not overlap
Buttons, fields, controls are visible and usable
No horizontal scroll appears

We can reach all the elements by keyboard
No keyboard traps
That the order of focus follows the reading order

Well labeled
Keyboard navigable
Clear instructions
Error handling
User Support

Movements, flashes, flickers, etc… do not exist
No more movements

There are no alternatives in audio or video.

Information makes sense
The order of the blocks is adequate
This portal is designed to be able to change the size of the text and color, as well as the background of the page using the standard configuration options of the browsers.

If you want to change the font size of the text in the main graphic browsers use the following menus:

Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox: View > Text Size
Opera: View > Zoom
Safari: See > Make text larger
Chrome: Control the current > page Text size
To resize everything on the page:
Ctrl + + to increase it
Ctrl + – to decrease it
Ctrl + 0 restores the original text size
If you want to cancel the style sheet or modify the color of the text, you can consult the page How to Change Text Size or Colors of the WAI, which can be read translated into Spanish in How to change the size of the text or colors?

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